In a future where all flora is extinct on Earth, an astronaut (Bruce Dern) is given orders to destroy the last of Earth's plant life being kept in a greenhouse on board a spacecraft.The biggest problem with this film is the music provided by Joan Baez. Maybe in 1972 this was cool, but today (2013) it comes off as obnoxious, and it pushes the film over the boundary from "environmentalist" to "hippie", which may be a serious turn-off for many viewers.Beyond that, great film with Bruce Dern being his wacky self. I love his little robot pals and how he trains them to be (almost) human. The actors inside the robots deserve a lot more credit than they probably get.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
This movie revolves around a space ship/station that harbors the last plants and trees from earth. Then there off course is the threat that those plants and trees are destroyed, evil colleagues etc., all very enjoyable. Just the 1 thing they should have left out is this, in an age where they can build space ship this enormous, they do not know plants and trees need sunlight? So stupid, even for that time.
'Sentiment: Neutral đ'
... of things to come. Perhaps most notable isn't the destruction of earth's natural resources, we lost the planet some time ago, but the development of robots with human characters that are nearly with us now - whether people are aware that's what they are is still debatable.